Yin Yoga Perth – classes are a much more passive and restorative style of yoga with a focus on holding poses and stretches for 3 – 10 minutes at a time. But don’t be fooled into thinking this is an easy class for everyone. You may only do a few poses in each class with varying degrees of intensity which is entirely governed by how you feel and how much you want to push your boundaries to more of a Yang Yin practice. Expect to go into long and deep luxurious holds whilst you enter into a meditative and grounded state. Some teachers will talk throughout these poses and other’s will remain quiet enabling you to focus on your mind and mindfulness as well as peace and tranquility. Yin Yoga is sometimes misunderstood as too easy or boring, but we guarantee that once you’ve tried it your body and mind will be yearning to keep practising and learning more from this wonderful style of yoga.
We recommend you add at least two Yin classes to your practice each week. You’ll sure feel the difference in your flexibility, mobility and hopefully a more restful and peaceful, calm mind.
HEAT RATING: this class is NOT heated, so expect a nice room temperature
Benefits of a Yin Yoga Class
- improved posture
- increased flexibility
- improved joint mobility
- improved concentration
- improved relaxation and calmness
- reduces stress and anxiety
- increases circulation
What to bring?
- Your yoga mat and a blanket/jumper/throw if you tend to get cold
- Bottle of water (NOT GLASS)
- Wear comfortable stretchy clothing
- Hydrate BEFORE the class, that means drinks at least a litre of water 30mins before a class
- Once you enter the yoga studio please remain silent until you leave
- Leave all other belonging in the communal areas including keys, sunglasses etc..
- NO PHONES! Switch off phones if you leave them in the communal area